Friday 28 May 2010

Sex and the City 2

Just got in from watching the second Sex and the City Movie and am very torn to whether I enjoyed it or not. I sat in my seat with huge anticipation and do not feel that this anticipation has been satisfied. 

The story, was for me, too fantastical. I have loved the slight fantasy element of the series and the first movie, the idea that Carrie could not possibly afford those shoes or designer labels for example, but this time the story and at times the fashion went too far (If you go to see it, look out for the Spice Market outfit and the flight hat.)

Even though the story line was hard to believe at times, I was desperate for more drama, not much happened and I do not feel as if I know the character's any better than I did before. In fact I do not feel that the movie presented the women as how I have come to know them through the series. I missed Miranda's cynicism (in fact Miranda was hardly in the film) and Carrie's spontaneity (she is now just a nagging wife).

Also the setting of Abu Dhabi somewhat left me feeling very uncomfortable. With each girl having their own car, own butler and continually disrespecting the Muslim culture it could not have been further than being identifiable. What I love about SATC is that although the girls do love their extravagancies, I can still relate to them, however in this movie they could not have been further from this. Maybe this is because I am still a young girl in my twenties and they are much older now, married with kids etc, I do feel nevertheless that this movie was perhaps aimed at an older audience and missed the younger fans out.

My love for Samantha also decreased massively in this movie, in previous SATC she was a classy, successful lady who was not afraid to talk openly about her sexuality. However in this film, she was brassy, disrespectful and somewhat 'trashy'. I feel that the writers had to make up for the lack of charisma in the other character's in the movie by over emphasising Samantha's crudeness. It was crudeness on steroids.

All I can say is thank god for Stanford and Antony's wedding otherwise I fear that I would have been left completely disappointed.

I advise Michael Patrick King to stop right there and not completely ruin the heritage and name that Carrie and the girls have left for women, another movie might just lose the loyal legion of fans. 


  1. Although I have yet to see the movie, I have actually felt the advertising as far as building anticipation for this film almost overwhelming. Some of my friends went to see it without me, and talked about the fashion (which I knew would be lovely), but besides the fashion, they said very little.

    I still plan on checking the film out, maybe a nice matinee with a friend, but I found your synopsis of the film to be informative, with a strong point of view, and yet not too presumably biased at the same time. Thanks for sharing, and I love the blog by the way!


    Freelance Apparel Designer/Owner
    Creative Conceptz Ltd.

  2. I am glad you liked the review, let me know what you think when you have seen it. Thank you for the comment.
