Tuesday 2 March 2010

Has women's empowerment left men in the dark?

Just been flicking through this weeks Grazia and a particular article has caught my eye. Menimist's are a new front that is emerging in the battle of the sexes.
 I have recently wrote a Gender and Sexuality essay on how the conceptualisations of masculinty have changed since the 1950's and came across the Men's movement. The Men's movement blame feminist successes and the empowerment of women for the new masculine insecurity that is apparently amongst the male population.
 However menimist's, unlike feminists, do not claim to be repressed they just want to know where they stand in this gender shifting society. Grazia explains that men are now too feeling guilty about not spending enough time with their children, there is a distinct increase in 'moob' plastic surgery and men are too becoming insecure about their bodies in the same way as women have been.
Have a look at the article, its refreshing to hear how the other gender deals with the social and economic changes that we have gone through as women.


  1. Thought you might be interested...I interviewed the guy from the Grazia article that set up the MENS society, talking about what the issues for men actually are. www.themoderncaveman.wordpress.com

  2. Ah fantastic. I will definately look that up.
